How much does wedding photographer or Bay Area photographer cost ?
Our rates range from $150-$300 per/hour for SF Bay Area photographers and $200-$400 for bay area videographers -because magic moments don’t come with a one-size-fits-all price tag!
How many photos or videos will I get?
There’s no hard cap on the number of pictures, but typically, expect around 30-60 professionally edited shots for every/hr by sf photographer magic - or 30-50 seconds of highlight video for every hour of our Bay Area videographers cinematic wizardry.
How long does it take to get my photos?
We’re speedy! Your edited digital photos will be ready in just a week-no delays, we promise. Videos take a bit longer because great storytelling needs more than just quick clicks!
How do I reserve the date ? How i can book you ?
It’s simple: reach out to us to confirm your date, then secure it with a $100-$300 reservation fee. Once the fee is paid, we lock in your date on our Google calendar and won’t accept any other bookings for that day.
*reservation fee is non-refundable,this is because we were not accepting any other orders for that day.
Yes, but doing both by one person reduces the quantity and quality of each. Switching between camera settings takes time and limits coverage. For the best results, it’s ideal to have separate roles for sf photographers and bay area videographers
If you’re interested in booking a session or need more information about pricing or availability feel free to reach out! We’re here to discuss your ideas and help you plan the photoshoot that captures your vision.
Whether it’s for a wedding photographer in CA, SF engagement session, or personal project, we look forward to hearing from you and making your needs come true!